Graz became a fashion metropolis
With a fashion special assembly put daring, innovative and trend-setting fashion design in the spotlight for two days - on September 9th and 10th - on the Schloßbergbühne Kasematten and the Murinsel Graz.
Inter*national Kastner&Öhler Fashion Award winners and young Austrian designers
presented their versatile and exciting fashion positions under this year’s festival motto “Best of assembly”. The highlight of this fashion show was the presenting of the 11th Kastner & Öhler Fashion Award on Schlossbergbühne Kasematten. And the winner is: Larissa Falk.
The Street Fashion Show
with urban labels took place for the third time in cooperation with the Stadt Graz coordination center City of Design. Stylish looks, it-pieces and trendy accessories.
Prior to and after the show
all participating labels were happy to welcome visitors to their pop-up sales and exhibition in an extraordinary environment right at the Kasemattenbühne Graz.